Anillo 3 - Original

An interactive fiction by Mel Hython (2009) - the Inform 7 source text

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Chapter 2 - Potenciales jugadores

Section 0 - Posibles jugadores

[ CLASE JUGADOR: una clase de persona, simplemente ]

A posible jugador is a kind of patroller.

The drive of a posible jugador is usually 50. [ se mueven la mitad de las veces]
The frequency of a posible jugador is usually 1. [pero se plantea cada turno]
A posible jugador is usually aimless. [y se mueven de forma aleatoria]
[no hay puertas pero por si acaso]
The openingcapability of a posible jugador is usually unlockedonly.
the reclosingcapability of a posible jugador is usually leave.

[Tienen un cadaver]
A posible jugador have a thing called el cadaver.

Instead of telling a patroller about something, try asking noun about it.
Instead of answering a patroller that something, try asking noun about it.
Instead of asking a patroller for something, try asking noun about it.
Instead of asking a patroller about something:
    if the noun is icalante:
        say "Veamos: 'uh, uuuh, uh?'";
        say "Nada, no se entera de nada. No debo hablar correctamente el simio.";
    otherwise if the noun is an orco:
        say "Uhm... 'Vrek, verk, vrke?'.";
        say "Nada, ni caso. ¡Qué asco de lengua!";
        say "¡Bah! Los seres inferiores no hablan.".

[ FUNCIÓN para obtener el potencial jugador más cercano]

To decide what posible jugador is the jugador mas proximo:
    let jmp be the player;
    let nmjmp be 100;
    repeat with pj running through posible jugador:
        if pj is the player:
        if pj is in NoLugar:
        if pj is icalante and (icalante is enfadado or icalante is preso):
        let nm be number of moves from the location to the location of pj;
        [say "[pj] a [nm].";]
        if nm is less than nmjmp and nm is greater than -1:
            now nmjmp is nm;
            now jmp is pj;
    decide on jmp.

[TO SAY: para expresar el portador ]

To say el portador:
    if the player is:
        -- nuhur: say "Nuhur";
        -- icalante: say "el icalante";
        -- zhur: say "Zhur";
        -- berg: say "Berg";
        -- yerk: say "Yerk".

[Every turn:
    say "Siguiente jugador: [jugador mas proximo]".]

[CLASE ORCO: una subclase de posible jugador ]

An orco is a kind of posible jugador.
An orco has a number called buscando. The buscando of an orco is 0.

Understand "orco" as orco.

[Sus objetos se ven]
Rule for deciding the concealed possessions of a orco: no.

[Lo que llevan encima]
After printing the name of a orco (called ello) while listing contents:
    if ello carries anything:
        say " (llevando [a list of things carried by ello])".